Monday, July 27, 2009

Nintendo releasing Circus Charlie 3D for the DS!

Circus Charlie 3D is coming for the Nintendo DS! Looks like the minds over at Nintendo have been busy with the latest Circus Charlie release! They say it will be a breakthrough edition of the game and mention a new 'bear' character named 'Charlie,' after it's owner, Charlie (the clown).

Controls will be very different from the original arcade version, instead of buttons to run and jump, players will click the stylus on the touch-screen to jump, and for each step backwards and forwards, the player has to say 'forward' and 'backward' into the microphone, located at the front of the portable gaming device.

Another added feature will be for DSi (the camera edition of the DS), which allows players to add clown noses to their photos of friends and family! Circus Charlie 3D is scheduled to come out winter 2009.

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